I applaud President Biden for trying to prevent overdoses in America. But the man does not go far enough. The right approach to stopping overdoses is to legalize all drugs.
President Biden wants to stop overdoses in America. That is something that all people of all political stripes should applaud. President Biden is supporting the Unity Agenda to stop overdoses. But the Unity Agenda does not go far enough. It stops short of my call to legalize all drugs in America.
Overdoses are a serious problem in America. I wish President Biden would declare a public health emergency. If the government declares a public health emergency we can get people to come out of the shadows of drug addiction and get people the help they need in a drug treatment program.
The drug treatment program should be privately funded through charity. Religious organizations should be able to help out along with other nonprofits. The government should only be in the business of legalizing all drugs and leave the addiction recovery up to the non-profit organizations and hospitals.
The first thing the government should do is declare a public health emergency. After that let each non-profit and charity apply for government-backed grants and loans through the bank to help fund the recovery effort.
I agree that we should expand access to treatment. But the best way to do this is to legalize all drugs. Legalizing all drugs would bring people out of the shadows and get people the help they need in the long run if they indeed choose to get help. The problem now with making drugs illegal is that people are afraid to get help since they are afraid they will be reported to the authorities. The best way to stop that fear is to legalize all drugs so drug addicts can come out of the shadows and get the help they need. I honestly think that if we legalize all drugs more people will come out of the shadows of addiction and get the help they need thereby preventing overdoses. As always comments accepted.
Source: President Joseph R. Biden. “ Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Launches the White House Challenge to Save Lives from Overdoses.” WhiteHouse.gov Washington, DC: Wednesday, March 13, 2024.
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