On behalf of the Libertarian National Committee, we welcome readers to the new LP News. What was once a quarterly or twice-yearly newsletter will now be live 24/7 with the latest updates from Libertarians and their state parties. We’re excited to give LP News a fresh face and transform it into a site that generates buzz for our principles and initiatives.
Through this new format, we can set the tone of conversation about liberty topics and influence the culture in a positive way. This site will allow the general public to find us more easily, see how we view the world, and discover what card-carrying Libertarians are doing to advance freedom and individual rights in their own communities.
Corporate media is dominated by progressive, duopoly talking points. It’s up to us to take the initiative and communicate our ideas to the public at large. There has never been a better time to jump into the alternative media space. The average person is completely turned off by the tired hysterics of CNN and Fox News, and open to a fresh take on current events and political solutions to their problems.
Let’s show the world that Libertarians are doing libertarian things, and exemplifying our philosophy through our actions. As we enter 2024, let’s share stories of how we engage with voters, communities, and our government. In the left/right battle for the hearts and minds of people in the US, we’re ready to provide a viable third option that allows people to embrace freedom and prosperity through peaceful, respectful governance. That is really good news.
The opinions shared here do not necessarily represent the official position of the Libertarian Party. These editorial articles have been submitted by Libertarians across the country, and featuring these topics does not represent an endorsement of the content therein.
Thanks for introducing this new public resource. Our LP voice will resonate with those who are curious about a third option, because people are tired of the Duopoly and are anxious to find the America that was taken from them over decades of Big Government largesse.
In our current age of a new search for equality, Liberty and Equality are synonymous. Government intrusion in our economy, our markets, and our Constitutional rights makes everyone less equal by taking from some of us and giving to others according to a formula decided by government: that’s not fair. Americans always help those in need without intrusions by elected officials or bureaucrats.
As we all hope for a more peaceful world in this new year of 2024, we pause and realize that in the name of national security, our military leaders have provoked, pursued, and perpetuated endless foreign wars where peace is never realized. Our soldiers and countless civilians die every day in the war activities our defense forces promulgate. We must defend our own country and our citizens from invaders, and prudently support our allies in their defense efforts. This objective can easily be met after a 67% reduction in our current defense budget. We must elect a Congress that understands this and has the will to achieve it.
I’m looking forward to a year, starting in 2024, where we offer a third option – and a real solution – to the terrible problems our government has rendered upon us. Our first step, and the next steps that follow, can happen this year.
Nice! Looking forward to this new resource for fellow-Libertarians & other truth-seekers about perspectives other than that of the 2 dominant parties’ approved ideas. With this, we should be able to better spread the ideas of liberty, better resolve any misunderstandings of readers, and make known news & current-events the the 2 parties don’t want people to know. Looking forward to this new platform, then!
Some questions, though: ①Will these regions (#0-8) be more clearly-labeled soon? ②What of the previous articles & issues of the L.P. News? Will they eventually be re-posted in an archive?
Congratulations to the LP for creating the new LP News. This new facility increases engagement of members and creates a new channel to expose libertarian ideas. But the new LP News does not have to displace the old LP News. As the new and old LP News are very different communication facilities, the Libertarian Party should operate both facilities. Let us look at the differences between the new and old LP News facilities. The old facility was a periodical, whereas the new facility is a blog in continuous operation. The old facility reaches every member and subscriber with each issue, whereas the new facility is seen only by people who find it online. The old facility shows curated content, whereas the new one shows whatever people post. The old facility had both electronic and printed distribution, whereas the new is strictly electronic. In summary, the old and new are very different. If the LP operates both facilities, then libertarian ideas reach more people more often. So let’s keep the new LP News, while also trying to bring back the periodical.
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