Having come to the U.S. as an immigrant in 2021, I have long thought about what my contribution to the Liberty Movement could be. Thankfully, I have been surrounded by dedicated activists, most of whom are a part of New Hampshire‘s „Free State Project“, from Day 1, who helped me plan, organize and promote what in October 2023 eventually became the New Hampshire Mises Club: a monthly meetup in Strafford, NH, that rejects societal division and aims to unite Americans under the banner of freedom.
There are a number of things that make the Mises Club unique. As our November event, which presented the story of John F. Kennedy‘s assassination as told in James Douglass‘ book „JFK and the Unspeakable“, shows, we are fearless when it comes to examining American history. Moreover, we are not content with pointing out problems, but seek to be a resistance incubator that activates concerned citizens and directs their energy to the fight for freedom in New Hampshire. Lastly, and maybe most importantly, we reject labels. Because we aspire to build bridges to individuals currently outside of the Liberty community, we make sure to communicate the message of freedom in ways that do not alienate or divide people, that are free from partisanship and the personality cults of national politics.
We also encourage our attendees to look at division not as a normal feature of American life, but instead view it through the lens of class-warfare. After all, who benefits when the all-too-common distrust of one‘s neighbour prevents us from rallying and uniting against atrocities like the surveillance state, the PATRIOT Act, or the latest war? The establishment does, of course, and therefore we intend to promote a different kind of dichotomy, not left versus right, but all of us versus the elites in control of the state apparatus.
Raising your voice like that can be difficult at times, but it is also enormously gratifying. We may be up against a powerful enemy, but shall never forget the words of Samuel Adams, who said: “It doesn‘t take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” In that spirit, onward!
The opinions shared here do not necessarily represent the official position of the Libertarian Party. These editorial articles have been submitted by Libertarians across the country, and featuring these topics does not represent an endorsement of the content therein.
The opinions shared here do not necessarily represent the official position of the Libertarian Party. These editorial articles have been submitted by Libertarians across the country, and featuring these topics does not represent an endorsement of the content therein.
Thanks for not quoting Margaret Mead who is credited with saying something similar; she is a fraud, Sam Adams is not!
A 1st-gen, too‽ My family & I got here in N.C. back in 2001, and became citizens in 2010 (with me starting to lean Libertarian around 2008, and going full-supporter 2 years later).
How’s the Free State Project? I’ve been wanting to go, but (unfortunately) I’ll likely be the only member of my family to head north for that.
But, yeah. I’m autistic, and I’ve had to research on getting along better with the rest of the population. An dynamic often-unmentioned is how people play games/plays (like like hyper-partisanship, in our case), so people’s words & actions will be interpreted by their part/team/character in the game, hence perpetuating the dynamic (even to the socially- & nationally-destructive ends we’re seeing in the U.S. today). We have to stop it altogether to the save the Union. Reject the labels, and reject the familiar dynamics ripping these United States apart, As you mention, it would be better to build bridges, collaborate, and work together… until the destructive game has too few players and collapses on its own weight. Otherwise, we will only be perpetuating the destructive dynamic.
Hi there,
Thanks for the reply and yes, I’ve only been here for 3 years.
Also, the FSP is great. I don’t claim to know what the liberty movement is like in NC or anywhere else for that matter but NH is lightyears ahead of what I have experienced in the past. It is said that more than half of R state reps are friendly to our mission (or outright Free Staters) and there’s currently a super-majority in the state’s Senate & Congress. And not only that: immigration from abroad is picking up. The FSP’s marketing is working so well that more and more Europeans are becoming aware of and planning to move to NH. There’s no place I’d rather be.
Please reach out if you’re considering visiting (for Porcfest, or at any other time.) You should see my email when being notified of this reply. I’d love to assist you with that 🙂
Whoa! And thanks for the offer! The F.S.P.’s got that far already with the N.H. legislature‽ 😆 Nice! Just when I thought it was already good as is, it’ gets better! (sigh) Unfortunately, I’m currently re-training for another industry (that’s thankfully remote-work), but I’m fortunately on the final stages, with certification in the works. I’m guessing, the earliest I’d be able to visit is 1-2 years (to get and establish myself in the job), if family isn’t going to freak-out. But, I now know where my next U.S.-address will be. 😁
Honestly, if that’s something that you are at all considering, then consider coming up for Porcfest this July. I would personally help you with campsites and everything you need! Drop me an email and then we take it from there. Fun fact: I have been spreading the word about the FSP in Germany, which is where I’m from, and was able to convince five people to travel to NH for Porcfest. We will have a ‘Little Germany’ on the campground, which I am determined to grow year after year. The home of liberty lovers is here, whether you’re from North Carolina or Niedersachsen.
Welcome to America. I’m 3rd generation on my father’s side. They were from Sachsen, Germany 1848. My grandfather was born here and learned English as a third language after getting married. His education was in German, Texas history and everything. His teacher gave him a book that he wrote full of poetry and stories showing this land as seen through the eyes of immigrants. Its mixed dialect Texas German and difficult to translate but I hope to finish it by the end of the year. Interestingly my grandfather kept in touch with cousins in Germany that he never met. Up until WWII that is. They tried recruiting them to return home. “Home? We never left home. This is our home. No one has ever gone back to Germany even to visit. We fled as we were persecuted for being Free Masons.” My grandfather’s words. The cousin ran the German Commisary for Hitler and was never heard from again. My grandfather was made a spotter as he lived within 120 miles from the Mexican border and his sister in law had a ranch in Big Bend on the border. 46,000 acres. He was given spotter wings. His youngest boy (my father) went against his mother’s wishes and ran away to join the Army in 1935 two weeks before graduation. He was 17. 30 days into basic he was sent to Officers Training Camp. (Still 17) The following February he graduated a 2nd Lt. With no high school diploma and peacetime at that. Immigration leads to great things Luke. Especially in the land that’s known for freeing up human energy in an explosion that continues to light up the dark. Our job as Libertarians clear. Just keep the light of freedom on. Peace…
Gradual change, especially through creating bonds, is definitely more effective. I hope you continue in your efforts.
(Also, it appears that the website is having issues with ratings. Perhaps because someone came through to low-star all the articles. So here’s five stars to you in a comment.)
Yeah, (I’m not the author, but) I noticed that. The project just started, and someone’s already try to sabotage it. Sheesh!
Great issue!